Campaign Update
In 1992 the Maine Conference of the United Church of Christ initiated
a capital campaign titled "To Gather Into One." Twenty percent of the net income from that campaign is designated to benefit
Pilgrim Lodge. The Maine Conference Priorities Committee must approve the dispersal of any funds raised through the capital campaign. In
order to qualify for approval projects must meet the following criteria:
- Regular maintenance and repair expenditures will not qualify for funding by the Capital Campaign
- Only equipment, improvements and betterments having a service life of five years will qualify for funding (excluding technology such as
- Individual qualifying expenditures will generally exceed $500
As of June 30, 1999 the total campaign gross receipts were almost 1.5 million dollars. $238,729. is designated for Pilgrim Lodge. As of June
30, 1999, $91, 980. has been spent on projects listed below. Other projects are pending as part of an overall plan to enhance the ministry of
Pilgrim Lodge. Stay tuned to this page to watch the developments. So far the following Pilgrim Lodge improvements have been possible thanks to
the "Gather Into One" campaign:
- New woodstoves for each cabin and the lodge
- A new dock on the waterfront
- A 10 X 48 foot addition to the Main Lodge
- Professional sound systems for the dining room and main program room
- 12 hexagonal picnic tables (PL built), a new grill, waterline and privy on the picnic field
- Renovation of the ball field
- Two new septic tanks by the Main Lodge
- New septic system, water pump, windows, doors and insulation for the farmhouse
- Roof and fireplace upgrades at various cabins
- Rewiring and improved lighting in the Maine Lodge
- Range, Refrigerators, oven griddle range hood, hot water heater and fan for the kitchen
- Dishwasher, pressure washer, paint sprayer
- Two Canoes
- Roof, Main Lodge
- Lighting on the entrance sign
- Showers in staff cabins
- New computer system
- Engineering studies and program/site consultation