Lodge 2010
Meet the Superheroes of Staff
talented, friendly, helpful PL League of Super Staff are waiting for your
time at PL. Their three month mission: to help campers know they are
beloved children of God; to seek out and assist deans, to boldly set the
table for the feast God offers!
green jacket guy with
spoon video
(Mr. Boiler)
Adam is wicked excited to be back in the kitchen this summer after
finishing his first year at Colby College (outside the booming
metropolis of Oakland, ME). Born and raised in Westbrook, Adam
really loves Maine. His second favorite place (after PL, of
course) is his grandparents’ camp on Little Sebago Lake. Adam loves
tubing and playing tennis and eating ice cream. His ability to boil
water with his eyes is a big asset to the kitchen. |
( Flower-plower)
Appearing seemingly at
random from another dimension, Allie is currently on missionary duty
to the outside world. Her heroic visits occur when least
expected, about once a week Champion of the garden and all
things wiggly, squiggly, and jiggly, Allie shores up both the art
and nature programs. Her boundless energy and positive outlook
give everyone on Planet Pea-el the boost they need to continue
boldly serving camper, counselors and deans. She distributes
unique and vital Pilgrim Lodge vibrations to her family back home
and out into a greater world in need. |
Amanda Butler can be found at camp for her second year guarding
lives on the waterfront and lifting canoes into the water with
her mind. Growing up in the woods of Windham, Maine Amanda found
a love of every aspect of water; canoeing, kayaking and swimming
every chance she could. She has been trained in this art for two
years University of Rochester as an Environmental Studies major and
a member of the ultimate Frisbee team. Next year Amanda plans to
share her super powers far and wide as she study’s economics in
Budapest, Hungary. Amanda hopes to see you all around camp, but
would especially like to share her boating super powers on Lake
Cobbosseecontee. |
His name is
Andrew Hatt,
and he’s decent with a wiffleball bat.
He’s a Mainer through and through,
he likes to wear comfy shoes.
Where there’s a rake and a hoe,
Andrew will always go.
A PL camper for 10 years,
Andrew always enjoys the laughter and the cheers.
Loving music and sports,
he’s always got a guitar and wearing shorts.
Loving to drink and eat,
at PL Andrew is always full with the kitchen treats.
He’s got many powers but to name one,
he’s got the ability to touch the sun.
There are few people
out there who know the real story of Flashlight. Although raised in
a mountainous village, deep in the rural woods of what was
previously northern Massachusetts, Flashlight wasn't always the
expressive and focused hero she is today. Before she was a hero she
was know as H. Rebecca Lockwood. Becca's gifts were discovered and
brought to Pilgrim Lodge four long years ago. Her powers express
themselves through her magic camera that captures the joy,
exuberance, and love that permeates the woods along Lake
Cobbosseecontee. This summer season, please welcome back Becca aka
Flashlight as she shines her light around camp. Please smile and
say hello to her as she flies and glistens around camp. |
Beka is the Waterfront
Director once again this summer, making 13 Pilgrim Lodge summers in
a row spent as a camper, counselor, or staff member. She graduated
from American University in May with her degree in international
relations and will be teaching English in the Brittany region of
France starting at the end of September. However, something special
has happened the past 3 summers she has been on staff at Pilgrim
Lodge. Beka arrives and soon after, the waterfront looks and feels
better. She sheds her outer person and becomes... AQUA-WOMAN!!
Aqua-woman can breathe underwater and talk to the animals that live
in Lake Cobbosseecontee (sp?). The fish, otters, and dock spiders
help Beka put the waterfront together each June and help take it
apart again in September. She keeps a close eye on all things that
happen at the waterfront and is there when a whistle blows. |
Ben (Captain Chopsaw)
Ben Crosby is a 2009
graduate of Hartwick College--the stylin'est school in upstate New
York--with a Bachelor's degree in History and a minor in Religious
Studies. Since graduating, he has worked in New Hampshire,
California, and Pennsylvania, but Maine is way moose-ier than any of
those. He earns his keep at Pilgrim Lodge as Captain Chopsaw, the
nightmare and scourge of all eight-foot two-by-fours, hammerer of
all nails, conqueror and master of the radial arm saw, unwavering
defender of the sturdy Pilgrim Lodge boardwalk, and tireless
distributor of justice, destiny, and The Horizon. Hope to see you at
camp! |
Faster than a speeding
porcupine; more powerful than a dory full of campers; able to leap
onto the H-dock in a single bound. Look! Up in the office! It's a
loon, It's a pram, - It's Directron! Yes
Directron. Strange visitor from another planet who came to
camp with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal staff.
Directron, who can change the course of mighty dish rooms, bend
whacky-noodles in his bare hands. And who, disguised as Bryan
Breault, wild mannered director for a great UCC church camp, fights
a never-ending battle for faith, safety and American Camp
Association. |
Charlotte grew up in a cave, where she was raised by wolves and
talking trees. This year, she joins the PL League of SuperStaff as
the Nature Director, where she uses her ability to commune with
nature. She can often be found roaming the trails, communicating
with animals and plants and saving the planet by making PL a greener
place. Charlotte is currently honing her skills as a Nature Hero by
studying the environment at Brandeis University. |
Currently, none of David’s mutant powers have manifested themselves,
but he continues to wait. This summer he is exploding with
excitement to by a part of the Pilgrim Lodge staff, bringing with
him huge amounts of energy and t-shirts. His year round activities
include Scrabble, Star Trek, Golden Girls, and deconstruction. Also
eating. David recently graduated from the University of Southern
Maine with a degree in philosophy and is anticipating a life of
luxury, wealth, and gainful employment…perhaps you know someone who
needs a professional reader. Some might consider this a mutant
power, but David is holding out for flying or shape shifting...maybe
super strength. If you come to camp this summer, you just might get
to be there when they are discovered! |
Eric first arrived at
Pilgrim Lodge when he was two weeks old. Since then he has been
surveying the PL grounds making use of all its many adventures. He
is a first class fisherman and an excellent Nature Assistant. This
year he will be helping Charlotte identify some of the beautiful
nature here at Pilgrim Lodge from the cute little pansies to the
sleek snakes.
(Care Bear)
Yes! Karen is here
again continuing to save Pilgrim Lodge. Her incredible perseverance
and knowledge of the Bunk1 system has the camper experience possible
at Pilgrim Lodge. She emanates joy as she juggles her reliable
computer, thousands of health forms, and the lovely blue recycling
bin next to her desk. Karen, often referred to as "Care-bear" for
her caring nature, brings a beautiful color to the prism that is
Pilgrim Lodge. We are eternally grateful for everything Karen does.
Khamla "aficionado"
Mickelson is 19 year old superboy who specializes in a high level of
athletic ability. He recently completed his first year of college at
Franklin Pierce University but will be continuing his education at
Coastal Carolina University in South Carolina, majoring in Media
Communications. This is Khamla's first year as a staff member but
has been a part of Pilgrim Lodge since the fifth grade. Along with
being incredibly sound in athletics, Khamla is a fair guitar and
piano player and occasionally stretches his vocal chords. He loves
french fries with vinegar and will never turn down a dinner that
involves steak and potatoes. Khamla enjoys traveling and spending
quality time with friends and family. Come find Khamla and strike up
a conversation! |
This is Laura’s first year as
part of the PL League of SuperStaff. Her most noteworthy power is
the ability to teleport all over camp and be everywhere that she is
needed immediately. She is a master of disguise, taking on any and
every role that is asked of her. Her advanced acting abilities allow
her to become anyone and instantly have the skills she needs to do
the job. When she is not assuming her superhero identity, she
studies theater at Wheaton College in Massachusetts. |
Mollie (Huckleberry)
Mollie wishes she had
the heroic powers of living underwater or flying, but alas, she can
only swim constantly to Manitou Island and back. She returns to
staff after a year hiatus, this time as Assistant to the Director.
When not trying to understand the brain of the Director, Bryan, and
all things Pilgrim Lodge, she can be found at Wesley Theological
Seminary in Washington DC. Mollie is seeking her Master's of
Divinity as well as her Master's of underwater firetending. She is
excited to be returning to Pilgrim Lodge and the land of the loons. |
Paul Rudenberg, who
grew up in Massachusetts, has joined us this summer at Pilgrim Lodge
from is usual stomping grounds of Les Cayes, Haiti. There he works
with rural people, helped build a small college focusing on
sustainable agriculture and environmental studies, and served as the
country director of Heifer International. Most recently he has been
helping families n Haiti with basic shelter. Paul has studied
biology, theology, and veterinary care and co-authored a book on
goat husbandry. He is here from Haiti with his wife Marguerite and
their three children, who all love Maine. Paul loves to be out in
most any kind of boat, to hike in or just sit and enjoy God’s
creation and to work towards protecting it, and to help others learn
and develop new skills that will help them serve others and
flourish. He is here with his family: his wife Maggie;
and their three children Natou, Peter and Joanna! Welcome
Rudenbergs! |
Ryan M. (Intestistuff)
Ryan hails from the
courageous Gryffindor house of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and
Wizardry and has since extended his education to the University of
New Hampshire. As a skilled wizard, he was present during the final
battle at Hogwarts and fought bravely alongside Remus Lupin.
Unfortunately Lupin fell in battle, but before he did so he bestowed
upon Ryan his special Potions and Charms skills. He has applied
these new skills to cooking. With his magical abilities he cooks all
summer long in the Pilgrim Lodge kitchen to provide treats for the
campers, counselors and staff.
Ryan P.
Ryan Petherbidge, hailing from
Freeport, ME, is on his third year on staff here at Pilgrim Lodge.
He recently came back from California taking a yearlong sabbatical
from the University of Maine Farmington. His daily habits include
fishing, canoeing, cooking, ping-pong master champion playing, and
hop-scotch madness king. His mild mannered charisma is a great
addition to an already star studded staff. However, you will often
see his alter ego “P-man” around and about the camp. “P-man” should
not be taken for granted; he is a fast paced, efficient and thorough
worker, highly energetic and full of spirit and is always there for
anyone’s needs. If you are lucky enough, you might see one of many
special talents performed. These talents, often remarked as “super
powers” consist of many things, however his favorite one to perform
is his ability to perform dazzling mind tricks whilst playing board
games, such as cribbage or scrabble. |
(El Artista)
Sam “El Artista”
Wilcox is back on staff after working the summer of 2006 on
maintenance here at Pilgrim Lodge, as well as being a camper for 10
years consecutively. From 2006-2007 he spent a year volunteering
with Safe Passage, an NGO in Guatemala. Coming from Cumberland
Center Maine, he currently studies at Clark University where he is a
double major in Studio Art and Spanish Language. He is also a
skilled angler, guitarist, serpent charmer, rollerblader, and
landscaper. Among other interests he is an avid equine enthusiast.
This year as Arts and Crafts director, you can count on him for
plenty of color and creativity all over camp. |
Steve (Fixit-man)
Steve returns! He has
come to our rescue for another season! Steve is our Head Maintenance
Supervisor here at Pilgrim Lodge. Where would PL be without Steve?
He knows just about everything and can therefore fix just about
everything. With his creative and problem-solving mind, he keeps PL
up and running. We are incredibly grateful for everything Steve does
from fixing screens, replacing sewer pipes, to easing our worried
minds. Make sure you give a good wave and 'Hello' when you see
Sunil Mickelson just
recently graduated from Hartwick College with a degree in business.
However mild mannered Sunil is better known as The Entertainer, an
eccentric superhero that has a knack for lightening the mood. When
not dazzling bystanders with his upbeat attitude he likes to spend
his time playing tennis or basking in the sun. Regarded by many as
the ping pong champion (citation needed) he always welcomes a
challenge. Although he is a first year staff member it is certainly
not his first experience at Pilgrim Lodge. His journey as a camper,
a counselor, and now finally a staff member is only beginning as he
looks forward to another great summer! |
Tina Phillips has
returned, yet again, to Pilgrim Lodge. You may remember Tina from
previous summers, but you just might have difficulty recognizing
Mulberry. Mulberry is Tina’s alter ego superhero who loves the color
purple. She loves many other colors, and often you will find her
color coding everything she does just so she can have an abundance
of color around her. You will also find Mulberry in the Camp Store
scooping the campers yummy Maine Ice Cream! And the best place you
can find Mulberry is by the Ping Pong Porch right before option time
where her color really shines while singing songs.