Staff Covenant
Please note: this document was amended in October 2006
As a member of the Pilgrim Lodge camp summer staff, I agree to the
following standards of conduct in order to keep everyone who
participates in the program safe and respected and to further the
mission of Pilgrim Lodge:
· I
will be friendly and helpful to all campers, volunteer counselors, and
· I
will be aware that my attitudes, actions and words affect the entire PL
· I
will be respectful to, and of, other summer staff members.
· I
will help in areas of camp work beyond my area of specialty.
· I
will keep safety as my first priority, courtesy my second, creating a
fun and wholesome camp atmosphere my third, and efficiency my fourth.
· I
will not use or possess illegal drugs at Pilgrim Lodge or enter the
Pilgrim Lodge property under the influence of illegal drugs.
· I
will not drink or possess alcohol at Pilgrim Lodge or enter the Pilgrim
Lodge property under the influence of alcohol. I will not drink
alcohol on evenings when I will be returning to camp.
· I
will not smoke on the camp property or during the working hours.
· I
will read and abide by the Maine Conference’s Sexual Harassment policy.
· I
will not engage in sexual activity with another person unless I am
married to that person. (Marriage is defined as two adults who share a
lifelong commitment of fidelity, solemnized by law, ceremony, or both.)
· I
will sign out of camp when I leave the premises and check in upon my
· I
will return to camp before 11:00 PM Sunday-Friday if I leave the
premises, or make arrangements to return in the morning, with permission
from the Camp Director.
· I
will clear visitors with the director before they come to camp.
· I
will be respectful of my cabin mates and allow them to sleep after
11:00, or earlier if requested.
· I
will get enough sleep to be alert and effective during the day.
· I
will attempt to acknowledge cliques and keep them from becoming spirit
breaking. I will include and attempt to get to know everyone on staff.
I will get approval from the Camp
Director for any camp prank or practical joke, or if he is involved in
the prank, the Assistant to the Director. Such acts will not be spirit
breaking or involve personal property.
· I
will swim only during daylight at the waterfront during supervised times
or during daylight with three staff members, one of whom is a certified
· I
will resolve conflicts with others in a straightforward, honest and
deliberate manner. If no understanding can be reached I agree to take
the issue to a mutually acceptable third party to help resolve the
· I
will work to better myself and to try to grow spiritually.
· I
will work to build Christian Community among the summer staff and those
involved in the program.
The summer staff may choose to add to this covenant as a community, but
the above items will not be removed.
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