Pilgrim Lodge Jubilee Year Kickoff Luncheoncelebration
Lunch at the Why did we celebrate a summer camp in December? Because, on December 1, 1955 a special meeting of the Congregational-Christian Conference of Maine was held at the Waterville church to vote on the purchase of a new site for its thriving Outdoor Ministry program. It was great to have a little PL spirit in the midst of winter. Allie Rimkunas created amazing centerpieces. The tables were set with placemats made from copies of the brochure created to raise the initial funds for purchasing PL. One place at each table was set with Balbrook Lodge silver wear (the lucky diner got to take home the centerpiece - WAIT our efficient OMC cleared the tables! so whoever gets ice cream with a spoon stamped "Balbrook" wins!) Peter Godfrey made the songbook boxes. He and his daughter Sara made the guest book. As campers arrived they were handed a hot-off-the-press 2006 camp brochure. Around the room were posters from PL's 50 years; every camp brochure through 1964 and many all the way back to the thirties as well as photos, newspaper articles and items from camp. We started with songs led by Ben Bigney and Allie. Dinner was a phenomenal meal of Ham and Mac & Cheese served on PL plates by chef Bill Walsh with help from Cindy and Jim Wright, Peter Godfrey and the Waterville youth. Dinner was followed by a presentation by Rev. Bryan Breault titled "We're All Middlers" referring to our respect and honor of those who worked on PL and the program before us and the responsibility we have to those who will come after. The presentation included a narrative of the early years of the PL program and the first years at Pilgrim Lodge focusing on the transition period from 1945-1965 along with slides from the era set to music. Next came the unveiling of the brand new flavor from Barnes Ice Cream: Pilgrim Lodge Cobbosseecontee Crunch! (Chocolate Ice Cream, with Marshmallows, Marshmallow Cream, Chocolate covered graham crackers and chocolate chunks - oh man!) The day concluded with worship, PL style. A fine start to Pilgrim Lodge's jubilee year.
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