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Living a Legacy at Camp

Laura and Lydia both cherish their experiences as campers at Pilgrim Lodge. Laura attended camp as a kid and has shared her love of Pilgrim Lodge with Lydia. Check out their stories and why they encourage you to come to camp and support Pilgrim Lodge!

Pilgrim Lodge is Hiring!

As our beloved Office Administrator, Karen Steelhammer, prepares for her retirement this summer, Pilgrim Lodge is hiring for a new staff role: Assistant Camp Director!

Living our Values: Love of Children – A Space for Well-Being

At Pilgrim Lodge, we aim to ground our programming, decisions, and actions in our values. As a summer camp, “Love of Children” is a pretty obvious one! While the classic elements of “what we do” at camp are timeless – swimming, arts and crafts, labyrinth walks, time with Family Faith … Read More

Restorative Practices at Camp

At Pilgrim Lodge this past summer, we implemented the use of Restorative Practices. For the purpose of camp, we defined Restorative Practices as: a framework for community building, tending, and community repair. The shape that took at camp was primarily in the form of talking circles.

Living our Values: Love of Creation

One of our Camp Values is “Love of Creation.” This summer, we are excited to deepen our commitment to our Love of Creation through camp and fellowship opportunities!

A Pilgrim Lodge Learning Journey

As a camp community, we believe that it is vital to embody the values of our camp in our programming and how we engage with the world beyond. We want to share with you one way that we seek to embrace our values in the life of our camp.

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