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CIT Training
CIT Manual

Counselor In Training (CIT)

June 10-12, 2011

Download the deans letter

Counselors In Training (CITs) can have a huge impact on a camper's PL experience. To a young camper, the CIT is almost a grown up, but is close enough to them to understand their thoughts and feelings.  They play and relate to campers differently than the counselors do.  If you will be 16 or 17 years old this summer, consider a second (or third) week at PL, but this time instead of a camper, as a CIT!

To serve as a counselor-in-training you must:

  • be at least 16 years old when you serve (you can be 15 at the training if you'll be 16 by summer)

  • be at least 2 years older than the oldest campers (of the week you're serving)

  • bring a signed parental permission, a Volunteer Profile, and a Volunteer Disclosure Statement

  • bring a full camper health form signed by a doctor in 2009 or 2010 (call to see if it's on file) 

  • be invited by a dean (see below about how to make this happen)

  • Be registered for, and attend, a PL event as a camper at an event for your own age.

  • Register for and attend at least one Counselor in Training event (yes, previous year's count)

Download the Pilgrim Lodge CIT Manual

We know “Counselor In Training-Training” is redundant but we like it.  Training is a lot of fun and a great opportunity for personal growth. You will learn new skills and understand the role of counselor. It’s a chance to give back to PL, although you can be new to PL too. (and the training is great on a college application!)

Frequently Asked Questions:

I don't know any deans, how can I get hooked up with a camp? Send an email to Karen, the administrator at Pilgrim Lodge. In the email send her a list of events you are able to attend in order of your preference (the camp you want to CIT at the most goes first, etc).  You can take a look at the list here.  Be sure you will be two years older than the oldest camper of each event you list.  Karen will pass your email on to the deans.  If you don't hear back in a week, email Karen again and inquire.

Why do I have to attend PL as a camper?  The Outdoor Ministry Committee developed this policy out of experience.  When you come as a CIT you are not a camper and will have many responsibilities and must serve as a role model. Some CIT's were confusing the role of camper and CIT and we found it works much better if CIT's have an opportunity to be a camper to contrast the experience and not use their time as a CIT as their week at PL to be a camper.

I attended CIT training last year, do I have to attend again?  No, but you are certainly welcome if you'd like to come as a refresher or just to be there with friends.

When I come as a CIT do I have to pay to go to PL? Not for the week you're CITing.  Some of the fee for this event covers a portion of the food for the week you choose to CIT.  You will have to pay when you are a camper.

What if I can't attend the training session, can I still be a CIT?  No, this weekend is about the T in CIT

You may speak with a member of the Outdoor Ministries Committee or e-mail the camp office, or call us at 724-3200 to volunteer or ask questions.